Kyle Bowen:
Dovetail does have templating, but there are limitations. I got on a call with them about a year ago to explain in detail where I saw the product not really working for this use case, and they basically agreed that the summarizing process wasn’t a good fit for the way Dovetail works.
There are workarounds. For example, you could treat summaries as atomic “insights” in Dovetail parlance, but that approach kind of gives much more weight to summaries.
I’ve wanted to use the canvas view for diagramming — it seems perfect for that — but then I always got frustrated with the clunkiness of the tool compared to Miro or Mural.
Kristi Leach:
I wonder if it might work well to do the whole tower as an insight page, with each summary listed as a section on the page. Maybe the summary could be a heading with the quote as a paragraph under it. I decided to experiment with putting one summary in each insight page, because I wanted to be able to see each summary when working with them.
There are a multiple ways to view your insights. I tried a couple: Insight boards, which look sort of like Trello or other Kanban style boards. You can define fields to tag your insights with, and then choose which fields will show up as columns. You could use the fields to create a column for each tower, but that has a 50-character limit. Plus, I don’t know how you could ladder up to blocks and neighborhoods. But it looks like this:

Eliana Ghantous:
Here’s a screenshot of how I’ve been using Dovetail to tag Tasks, Philosophy, etc Once I have these, I end up exporting these tags into a spreadsheet and then into Miro. In Miro is where I then group them into Mental Spaces. It would be really great to be able to accomplish the entire Method in Dovetail!